So today is Sean's 31st birthday! We decided it was too hard to go out to eat on a school night, so I made his favorite french onion soup. We all had dinner and then cheesecake. No, not homemade. That would be way overdoing it for me. Home made dinner then cheesecake? Not. It was from a box, but he loved it anyways. We gave him Rock Band 2 and he felt bad telling me that he bought it yesterday. At least I tried right? I married Sean when he was 22 years old. Crazy! I love you Sean and look forward to many more memorable birthdays with you!
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
6 days ago
Happy 31st Birthday. Sorry I missed calling you today but I did remember to wish you a Happy Birthday the night before. Anyway sounds like you got a cool b-day dinner and gift.
Hey sean, happy late bday! hope it was a good one!
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