So a few days ago Avery came to me and said "Mom, my tooth is wiggly." I didn't believe her, but checked it anyway and it was totally loose. Then last night I went to dinner with some friends and came home and Sean told me that it fell out when she was brushing her teeth. She was very excited this morning telling me all about the experience. My little girl is growing up! Crazy. She put her tooth in the little locket and it is under her pillow. The toothfairy will be visiting her later this evening. Fun stuff!
Avery is WAY to little to be losing teeth! My kids have the hardest time losing their teeth, they just don't fall out. In fact yesterday I took Sienna to the dentist and he pulled out SIX baby teeth. The permanent ones were trying to grow in and her baby ones just wouldn't budge. Can I tell you how funny she was under the laughing gas...I wish that I had my video camera, she was laughing uncontrollably! Way too funny!
Congrats Avery. Let's don't tell Zach because he is a 1st grader and hasn't lost a tooth yet. He is way bummed!
i love when they lose their first tooth..it is a huge accomplishment :) ok i hope you are feeling better..i was starting to get worried!
Wow I can't believe she already lost a tooth. It seems like she was just barely in my Sunbeam class. They grow up way to fast.
Cute pictures of your family! They really are all growing so fast. We had some recent tooth losses, it really is a big milestone. Way to go Avery!
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