So we get to the airport 6:30 p.m to go home and our 8:00 p.m flight is canceled due to bad weather back east. I was beyond frustrated. We had 3 whiney, tired kids, 2 car seats and 6 pieces of luggage. Fun stuff. The next flight out was at 9:45, but then got delayed to 10:05 p.m. We were just grateful to get a flight out. The flight home thank goodness was awesome(thank you tylenol). Tate and Avery slept the whole time and Meg just played. No major break downs, which was very surprising with how late it was. Finally, after some chaotic few hours we made it home about midnight, which was 1:00am UT time. We were all exhausted, but had a fun trip.
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
6 days ago
Oh the joys of delayed flights, especially with small children! I am sad that you left, I was looking forward to getting together with you on Friday...oh well, next time. It was so good to see you, you haven't changed a bit! Still a crazy spin bike girl!!! Your kids are seriously so dang cute!
You & Sean are super troopers--I would've been INSANE.
Oh! I love the pics that you added! Way cute birth announcment!
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