First of all getting ready for church is quite a chore. Our church starts at 12 and we are still always late. Church is right in the middle of the babies nap time, so that makes it a little extra exciting. During sacrament I swear all the twins do is eat, because that is the only way to keep them from running off and to be quiet. Thank goodness there are 4 sets of twins(including ours) in our ward, so we aren't the only obnoxious, distracting family. It is very hard to go to church knowing that it will be a lot of work and we probably won't hear most of what is going on. We know that we will be blessed and feel the spirit just for being there. One month until nursery yahoo!!!!!!!!!
Ooh, I wish I could get my hands on those cute little babies and give them a squeeze and a kiss! They are so cute!
AMEN!!! Girl I feel your pain, I only have one toddler! Yesterday in church I sat there gritting my teeth and wondering "why am I doing this?" it was all I could do to haul Faze off and sell him to the gypsies!! My mom tells me that it will get better, but when? When the kids go off to college? It is a struggle for sure!
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