On the way to the beach Avery said "Boy, today is a perfect day for an ice cream cone". Sean and I just laughed and said that it was a perfect day. I love how simple and true that is. The things that come out of my five year olds little mouth always makes me think. Today the babies were being a little crazy as usual and I said to Avery that they were making me so crazy that I wanted to scream. Avery's reply was then scream mom. Go ahead. It was hilarious, so I did. It felt great. She is my little side kick and I love her dearly. I will be sad when she will be in kindergarten all day next year. She is such a big help to me with the twins. She holds the door open every day at the gym, so I can fit my wide load stroller through. She always plays with the babies. They love her so much. I can't even count how many times she has brought me a diaper and now she even wants to change them, but only if they are not poopy. I love you Avery!
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