So the day finally arrived. Yesterday was Avery's first day of school. In AZ most of the schools are all day kindergarten, so Avery goes all day. I can't believe that she is old enough to go to school. I have had lunch every day with my little sidekick for the last 5 1/2 years. We have done everything together. It is crazy that she is in school!
The day started great. Avery was super excited. We got to school and made it to her class and my friend was already bawling. Then to my surprise I started crying too. What the heak is wrong with me? I never could understand all these moms who would cry when their kid went to school. I said I would never do that. Yeah right. I also said 10 years ago that I would never live in Arizona. Ha! Anyway, so yeah I'm a big boob! I was able to contain myself and give Avery a hug and be on my way. She had a great first day and doesn't want me to take her to school anymore. She wants to ride the bus every day. She is very outgoing which I would rather have than her bawling and not wanting to go and leave me, but come on girl! Give your mama some time! Needless to say she did ride the bus today. My friend followed the bus and made sure our kids made it safe and sound. If she wouldn't have followed the bus, I was going to. Are we crazy or what? Just caring moms I guess. Way to go Avery!! We are so proud of you!!!