So lately Meg has had an obsession with riding bikes. She has been climbing on my spin bike and trying to get the wheel to move. So the other day I walk in to find her on my bike with Avery's helmet on. It was hilarious! At least she is being safe right? I guess she gets the love of cycling from her momma.
I'm guessing that she learned while in utero!!! MEG! Run away from the bike!!! It is evil and will bruise your bum!!! lol
i finally get that spinning is pretty awesome...and a good way to lose weight!
i still remember going to your class and feeling extremely violated afterward, it pretty much scarred me.
but i got over it and now i go at least once a week...yeah me!
do you still teach?
and yes, i remember the pumpkin shake incident...it was pretty funny.
great. now i want a pumpkin shake.
She is so cute! I can't believe how big they are getting. Hooray that they will watch a movie. That's so nice for you.
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