So those of you who know our family and Tate know of his infamous head. During his first few years of life he always had some bump, bruise, or cut on his head. He looked like he was beaten. Three weeks ago today, he was playing in the water in the bathroom along with soap and got some on the tile (where my rug should've been, but I was washing, because Meg threw up on it) slipped, fell and cut his head open on the door. He came running to us with blood running down his head. It freaked us out pretty bad. Two of my friend's are nurses, so they came over to check it out and told us we needed to take him in to the ER. Took him in and they put 3 staples in his head. This morning before church he fell off of Avery's bunk bed and has a huge goose egg and carpet burn on the back of his head. This kid is going to be the death of me with all of his injuries.